Glengarry Community Pantry

Glengarry Community Pantry

The pantry is a space in the Glengarry neighbourhood located at 395 University Ave. E. where neighbours can access food on a weekly basis, helping to fill the gaps and provide much-needed groceries. Our hope for the Glengarry Community Pantry is that it will grow into a sharing or cooperative model, moving from a hand-out food bank model to one where participation and involvement help provide opportunities for neighbours to access hard-to-come-by items like meat, dairy, and fresh produce.


There have been so many community partners that have helped us resource the pantry. The good people of CUP and CHC have been instrumental in providing on the ground supports to residents. Many churches (New Song, All Saints Anglican, LSA, Windsor Christian Fellowship, Exchange) have provided food and supports to the pantry. None of this would happen without our team of neighbours who lead the pantry.


RE/ACT Stories: Ricky